Ernst Gombrich

「Ernst Gombrich」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧に戻る

Ernst Gombrich - (2011/08/27 (土) 08:01:30) のソース

[[Ernst Gombrich]], 1909-2001.

Bibliography (selection)

&italic(){The Preference for the Primitive. Episodes in the History of Western Taste and Art,} London: Phaidon 2002
&italic(){The Uses of Images. Studies in the Social Function of Art and Visual Communication,} London: Phaidon 1999
&italic(){Topics of Our Time. Twentieth-Century Issues in Learning and in Art,} London: Phaidon 1991
&italic(){Reflections on the History of Art. Views and Reviews,} Oxford: Phaidon 1987
&italic(){Tributes. Interpreters of our Cultural Tradition,} Oxford: Phaidon 1984
&italic(){Ideals and Idols. Essays on Values in History and Art,} Oxford: Phaidon 1979
&italic(){The Sense of Order. a Study in the Psychology of Decorative Art,} Oxford: Phaidon 1979
&italic(){Aby Warburg, an Intellectual Biography,} London: The Warburg Institute 1970
&italic(){The Image and the Eye. Further Studies in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation,} Oxford: Phaidon 1982
&italic(){Studies in the Art of the Renaissance,} London: Phaidon 1966 (also published as: &italic(){Gombrich on the Renaissance.})
(1) &italic(){Norm and Form.}
(2) &italic(){[[Symbolic Images]].}
(3) &italic(){The Heritage of Appelles.}
(4) &italic(){New Light on Old Masters.}
&italic(){Meditations on a Hobbyhorse and other Essays on the Theory of Art,} London: Phaidon 1963
&italic(){Art and Illusion. A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representation,} London: Phaidon 1960
&italic(){The Story of Art,} London: Phaidon 1950
&italic(){Weltgeschichte von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart,} Wenen: s.n. 1935 (also published as: &italic(){Eine kurze Weltgeschichte für junge Leser. Von der Urzeit bis zur Gegenwart.}) English translation: &italic(){A Little History of the World.}
