

Nothing will happen.
Use to connect program chips.
  • Because process time elapse while a CPU is processing this chip, you should not use this chip if possible.


Halt process.
Processing will stop, but current actions will continue.
  • You can set halt time in 1/30s to 120/30s.


Halt processing until the OKE’s actions are neutral.
Processing won’t stop when the action can’t be finished.

Call Sub-Program

Execute the program chip in the sub-area.
Once you go through the sub-area, you’ll return here.

Input Counter

Input data in a Counter.
  • If you simply want to input a numerical value, the chip you should use is not this, but “Control Counter” chip below.

Control Counter

Carry out an operation using a Counter.

Send Counter

Send Counter value to the Communication Channel.
Use the Communication Channel to communicate with allies.

Receive Counter

Receive value for the Counter fromCommunication Channnel.
Receive value sent to Communication Channel by allies.

Button Input

Read button states from the controller.
  • This chip reads input information of buttons in the instant when a CPU executes this chip.
    When you design a manual OKE, you should basically set this chip in position where it is frequently executed.
  • If this chip is set in a software, it’s OKE is treated as a manual OKE.


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最終更新:2013年09月19日 03:17