Action Order

Halt Action

Cancel the action in progress and go back to neutral.
Processing stops until the OKE becomes neutral.


Order the OKE to move.
Continue to move until another command is ordered.


Order the OKE to rotate.
Continue to rotate until another command is ordered.


Order the OKE to Jump.
OKEs without legs aren’t capable of jumping.
  • However, Gazer can jump above.

Quick Movement

Order the OKE to move quickly.
Unlike normal movement, this is a transitory action.

Quick Rotation

Order the OKE to rotate quickly.
Unlike normal rotation, this is a transitory action.


Order the OKE to attack.
Damage varies depending on the OKE.


Order the OKE to be in defense mode.
Damage will be reduced when the OKE is in defense mode.

Special Move

Order the OKE to perform a special action.
Actions vary depending on the OKE.

Select and Fire

Order the OKE to shoot the enemy in the specified range.
Invalid when there’s no enemy in the specified range.

Firing Direction

Order the OKE to launch a weapon in a specific direction.
When you are using a weapon that doesn’t shoot the enemy.
  • a shooting OKE doesn’t rotate with Auto-Rotate Targeting.

Counter-Type Reticle

Move reticle in direction specified by Counter.
Can’t move in direction beyond the weapon’s capability.

Start Reticle

Order the OKE to start or cancel the reticle.

Move Reticle

Order the OKE to move the reticle.

Shoot Reticle

Order the OKE to shoot at the reticle.


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最終更新:2013年09月19日 03:19