Too Human @ ウィキ




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だれでも歓迎! 編集





「オーディン」とは有機性分散知能ネットワーク (ODIN: the Organically Distributed Intelligence Network) のこと。
フギンとムニンという 2 羽のカラスを使者として従え、その見聞を通じて世界の出来事を把握している。



(今作品は北欧神話をモチーフにしたサイバーパンク作品かと思われます ネタバレ注意)

Who are the Aesir?

The Aesir are the Protectors of Humanity. They were created to fill the need to defend
your people from warriors who would never tire of killing humans and suffer no ill
thought because of it. The Aesir are geneticallyengineered , cybernetically enhanced
humans. This synthesis of human and machine makes for a far more dependable and
effective warrior. In the eyes of your people , the Aesir are gods amongst menvirtually
immortal , fearless and able to fight valiantly when hope is all but lost. They
are the Gods of Battle-put your trust in them and they will see you through.

Who is Baldur ? is he a God or a Machine?

Of all the Aesir , Baldur is the youngest and in the eyes of your people the most
hopeful. Baldur shows much love for the fumans under his protection , a trait that is
rare amongst the Aesir in these dark times. He is definitely a god-genetically
engineered for ability , but has very few cybernetic implants. Our oredictions indicate
that this will change , in time. More than tha we cannot say.

What is Midgard?

Perhaps I should point you toward a more general history text that might inform you
better? Very well, Midgard is all that remains of the human race. Within its great
wall , humans dwell in sanctuary - cities and settlements , bissfully ignorant of the
struggle for survival being fought on its behalf. Most humans believe the war is a
fallacy - a story made to keep the inhabitantsof Midgard scared: a myth to keep them
in line. Others know of the grim reality where Humanity is one step away from oblivion

Why are the machines attacking Midgard?

The Machines - the Children of Ymir - are merely following their programming.
Created thousands of years ago, they were programmed for all-out war and have
followed these instructions to the letter ever since. The scope of their programming is
very close minded and so they see no reason to stop. They will continue to fight,
without hate or malice toward human life , yet are so compelied to kill humans that
they will only stop when the last human lies dead in the snow. Only then will their
program be comlete.

What can you tell me about the game?

Of this game , I can tell you nothing - I am a loreleeper and historian. But my sisters
sense in you a wyrd that is storong: you have a story yet to tell - of monsters and
legends , battles both woeful and triumphant: a destiny to be fulfilled. I am not
allowed to say whether you will take this wyrd as yours , destiny is not set as you
think. Only a true hero will accept it and live it out to its bloody conclusion. So, brave
warrior , where does your heart lie - with the gods and humans of Midgard? Or absent
from the tales told by future generations?


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