Conditional Branch

Determine Remaining

Assess remaining equipment and branch processing pathway.

Assess Battle Area

Assess outside battle area and branch processing pathway.

Scan for OKE

Assess OKEs and branch the processing pathway.

Scan for Obstacles

Assess obstacles and branch the processing pathway.

Scan for Projectiles

Assess projectiles and branch the processing pathway.
Projectiles flying away from the OKE will be ignored.

Status Assessment

Assess the OKE’s condition and branch processing pathway.
Use to assess the situation when options are activated.

Action Assessment

Assess OKE’s action and branch processing pathway.
With multiple actions, branch regardless of assessment.

Random Branching

Branch the processing pathway at random.
Use to avoid predictable actions.

Assess Time

Assess duration of battles and branch processing pathway.
Based on the elapsed time or time remaining.

Assess Target Loc.

Assess target locations and branch the processing pathway.
Do not branch when target is not locked on.

Assess Location From Target

Assess location of OKE from target and branch pathway.
Do not branch when target is not locked on.

Assess Target Mov.

Assess target action status and branch processing pathway.
Do not branch when target is not locked on.

Assess Target Code

Assess target’s OKE Code and branch processing pathway.
It is Code 0 when a target isn’t locked on.

Assess Target Lock-On Alert

Assess the OKE lock-on and branch the processing pathway.

Assess Target Weapon

Distinguish target’s weapons and branch processing.
Do not branch when target is not locked on.

Assess Line of Fire

Assess line of fire to target and branch processing.
Check if line of fire to target is blocked by obstacles.

Assess Counter

Assess the Counter value and branch processing pathway.

Button Assignment

Assess the specified button and branch processing pathway.

Assess Analog

Assess the analog stick and branch the processing pathway.


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最終更新:2013年09月19日 03:18